Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cats Cradle

I realy liked this book, and realy thought Bokononism was clever, besides Bokonon being a jerk and he practicly being emporor. Althogh I thought the end was a bit deppressing.


Leah said...

it's been awhile since i've read the book. i vaguely remember ice nine and russian ballerinas, perhaps a carribean princess? anyway, i don't remember bokonon though i wikipediad it and it has a pretty comprehensive page. perhaps isaac can comment on this after he sees the page but any reason why the name is so similar to bakunin who as an anarchist seems totally opposite? maybe not. i think i should revisit cat's cradle.

Ficus boy said...

Hey can i be a contributer too, I have a few good books i know


Eric said...

I asgree that you should revisit it. Its funny you remember tyhe Russian Ballirna more than Bokonon since thats in opposite order of how important they are.
PS. Why dont you vote?

Leah said...

i just voted for cat's cradle!

Eric said...

So did I.