Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Official Punk Rock Book of Lists

This book is filled with lists about punk rock, ranging from who has the best hairdo, to the most offensive songs. I liked it, mainly because it had interesting information about bands that i like, like the clash and the ramones.
On another note, i love this blog!!!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Bluebeard and Galopagos

I really enjoyed both of these the first being a autobiography by Rabo Karabekian (a character mentioned in Breakfast of Champions whos an abstract artist) and the latter is by a character in some of his books Leon Trout son of Kilgore Trout and is about how the only 11 survivors on Earth who are living on the Galopagos evolve in the course of 1million years.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Please vote on the new poll, you can vote for multible answers, if answerin other Specify the book as a comment on THIS POST.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pink Floyd and Philosophy

Ok,... The Animals album had the same theme as Animal farm, what do you mean their irelevent??! Anyway i was reading a book, Pink Floyd and Philosophy, and it is making me look at Syd Barrett and Tye Wall album in a new light,... anyone who has even heard of Pink Floyd, like them or not, should read this book. To the right is Syd Barrett.

Godbless you, Mr. Rosewater

This is a good book about the Rosewater Foundation (mentioned in other books including Breakfast of Champions). In response to Nanos post I agree except I do not drasticly think either way of Orwell's works.


As I said in a previous comment and expanded upon here is 1984. I got into the reading craze of Vonnegut too, as well as Eric, and I loved breakfast of champions, and I can't wait to get Slaughterhouse-Five, but my all time favorites will remain 1984 and Animal Farm, which inspired Pink Floyd's Animals album. I love how 1984 critiques our government which has so much power to spy on the citizens, and Russian Socialisms, sort of like how Goodby Blue Monday, or Breakfast of Champions, critiques all of the symbols of America.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Eric - Did you like the Vonnegut books from Uncle Larry?

Hope you enjoy the books - let us know your favorites.

Nathan, You Can Post

Check your email and follow the instructions to register as an author. I would love to hear your suggestions!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cats Cradle

I realy liked this book, and realy thought Bokononism was clever, besides Bokonon being a jerk and he practicly being emporor. Althogh I thought the end was a bit deppressing.